"In Harare Tuesday, doctors from the state's largest hospital in Harare were prevented by riot police from demonstrating against the government's lack provision of medicines, equipment and living wages.1.4 million people at risk of cholera in Harare. And ZANU(PF), SADC, and South Africa act as if there is no problem.
They have also demanded salaries in foreign currency. The Parirenyatwa Hospital where the doctors were demonstrating stopped admitting patients last month because specialist doctors refused to to work under the present conditions. Now the rest of the doctors have formally announced a work stoppage.
Zimbabwe University closed the country's only medical school Monday and sent all third fourth and fifth year students home because of what it describes as the prevailing conditions.
This unrest in the state medical fraternity comes against the background one of the worst cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe. Doctors Without Borders, which is trying to assist says 1.4 million people in Harare are now at risk of catching this preventable disease."
This is in addition to reports that up to 5 million people in the rural areas will likely need emergency food aid by January, and that the infrastructure is not available to bring in the necessary food to those who need it.
Jimmy Carter, Kofi Anan, and Grace Machel are reportedly planning to visit Zimbabwe this weekend. Let us hope they can get the humanitarian aid rolling in, the regional leaders seem satisfied with doing nothing beyond congratulating themselves for getting Mugabe and the rest of ZANU(PF) out of yet another stolen election.