Thursday, June 26, 2008

Anglo-American Platinum Investment: Bad Timing? or Strategic Timing?

The BBC Radio World Service interviews Sir Mark Moody-Stuart is Anglo American's chairman about AA plan to go forward with a large investment to develop a platinum discovery in Zimbabwe. It is worth a listen. The Moody-Stuart's logic is that if they don't proceed, the current regime will take back the rights to the platinum claim "and give it to someone else". With platinum prices at 3 times the price of gold, the competition between South Africa, China, and Anglo American has heated up. Talk of economic sanctions will likely not involve these big players.

Here is the article and link to the audio file:

Action Aid hold a demo outside Anglo American's AGM

Investment in Zimbabwe attracts criticism

Anglo American, the big London-based mining company, is planning to make probably the biggest foreign investment in Zimbabwe to date - 400 million dollars to build a platinum mine.

British politicians have criticised the decision but Anglo American is adamant that no sanctions have been breached and no laws broken.

Sir Mark Moody-Stuart is Anglo American's chairman. Newshour's Robin Lustig asked him whether, in light of recent events, he had misgivings about the decision:

Listen to the interview here