Sunday, June 22, 2008


The MDC has officially pulled out of the upcoming run-off election for president. Given the extreme political violence and lack of substantive support from South Africa and SADC to stem the violence, this difficult decision had to be taken in order to stop the killings and bloodshed. It remains to be seen if it will.

Here is the MDC's official Press Statement:


22 June 2008, Harare

The MDC won the March 29th elections despite conditions that were far
from free and fair. Our party's message of peaceful, democratic
change and rebuilding a New Zimbabwe enjoys the support of the vast
majority of Zimbabweans. Our election victory confirmed this to
Mugabe and since that date, he and his supporters have been waging a
war against the people of Zimbabwe. This violent retributive agenda
has seen over 200 000 people internally displaced and over 86 MDC
supporters killed. Over 20 000 homes have been destroyed and over 10
000 people have been injured and maimed in this orgy of violence. For
the record, there are eight broad reasons why a free and fair
election is impossible. Zanu PF has already subverted the run-off
through the following:


The police have been reduced to bystanders while Zanu PF militia
commit crimes against humanity varying from rape, torture, murder,
arson, abductions and other atrocities. Zanu PF militia dressed in
army regalia have been deployed to spearhead the terror campaign in
the rural and urban areas. Armed Zanu PF youths are waging a terror
campaign and have vowed that the MDC will not rule the county even if
it wins. The Joint Operations Command (JOC) is engineering a violent
campaign to subvert the will of the people. The Central Intelligence
Organization (CIO) has designed covert operations to destabilize the

Zanu PF has set up over 3000 militia bases across the length and
breath of the country in order to cow and intimidate MDC supporters
into submission. Death and hit squads are on the loose in all the
provinces. War veterans and Zanu PF youths are manning illegal
roadblocks with impunity in complicity with the police. The use of
guns and arms of war by Zanu PF militia and war vets to campaign for
Zanu PF has virtually militarized the election atmosphere. All this
is being done as State sponsored ploy to tilt the vote in favour of
Zanu PF.


The regime has crippled the MDC Presidential Candidate's
campaign. MDC rallies have been banned. Court orders have
ignored. Today, Sunday the 22nd of June 2008, a mere five days before
the run-off date, police refused MDC permission to hold its only
Rally at the open space across the Harare Show Grounds. We
successfully sought a High Court Order which granted us permission to
with our rally. Regrettably, armed Zanu PF thugs occupied the
venue in order to prevent us from gathering. MDC supporters were
attacked and cars
were stoned at the venue. This happened in full view
of the police.
Unlawful arrests of the MDC
Presidential Candidate have
been going on unabated. The public media has flatly refused to flight
MDC adverts. To date, no single commercial has
aired by the Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation. There is a total blackout of the MDC in the
public media in clear contravention of the SADC
guidelines and
standards governing a free and fair election.
The hate language and the vilification
of the MDC
Presidential candidate by the public broadcasters and public media is
unprecedented. By denying us access to the media the regime
managed to deny the MDC access to the people.


The MDC Secretary General, Hon. Tendai Biti and MP Advocate Matinenga
are illegally detained. Over 2000 MDC supporters including our
polling agents are in illegal detention. The arrests have targeted
members of Parliament, Councillors, the MDC structures and election
agents. Over 200 000 people have been internally displaced. The whole
game plan is designed to cripple the MDC campaign.


The MDC is shocked by the level of partisanship of ZEC. We have lost
confidence in ZEC. The organization has been staffed by war veterans
and Zanu PF militia. In fact, as it stands now, ZEC is not in charge
of the management of this election.


The media is under attack. There is a complete blackout of the MDC's
campaign. Journalists are being harassed and intimidated and foreign
journalists barred from entering the country.


The Zanu PF candidate has no respect for the MDC, observers, the
regional and international community. He has made public
pronouncements to the effect that he will not accept defeat. He has
declared war by saying that the bullet has replaced the ballot. The
statement by General Chiwenga and Commissioner of Prisons Zimondi
that they will not respect and accept the will of the people is
regrettable and is a clear manifestation that a free and fair
election is impossible.


The MDC has
unearthed an elaborate and decisive plan by
Zanu PF to rig the elections through the following measures:
Commandeering the uniformed forces to use the
postal ballot and forcing them to vote in front of their
ii. The prevention of MDC election agents to get to
the polling
stations through roadblocks and arrests.
iii. The three Mashonaland provinces have
identified as rigging centres where ballots are going to be stuffed.
Villagers are having their national identity cards
confiscated denying them their right to vote.
There is a plan to record the serial numbers of
ballot papers so as to intimidate voters.
The holding of forced pungwes (overnight meetings)
where MDC supporters are beaten and forced to undergo
vii. The abuse of traditional leaders.
The use of massive violence as a weapon to influence
the ballot.


Given the totality of these circumstances, we believe a credible
election, which reflects the will of the people is impossible. We
remain unreservedly committed to free and fair elections in the
country. The conditions prevailing as of today do not permit the
holding of a credible poll. The militia, war veterans and even Mugabe
himself have made it clear that anyone that votes for me in the
forthcoming election faces the very real possibility of being killed.
Zimbabweans have also shown how brave and resilient they can be. They
have withstood years of brutality, impoverishment and intimidation.
They are dedicated to a New democratic Zimbabwe. But, we in the MDC,
cannot ask them to cast their vote on June 27th when that vote could
cost them their lives. Therefore, we in the MDC have resolved that we
will no longer participate in this violent, illegitimate sham of an
election process. The courageous people of this country, and the
people of the MDC have done everything humanly and democratically
possible to deliver a New Zimbabwe under a New Government. We urge
SADC, AU and the United Nations to intervene urgently in this
unprecedented situation to restore the rule of law, peace, and
conditions for a free and fair election. We are going to articulate
our vision and the way forward to the people of Zimbabwe and the
world on Wednesday, after further consulting the people. Finally, we
salute and thank all the suppressed masses of Zimbabwe who have been
maimed, raped, tortured, lost homes and properties in the pursuit of
a noble cause of wishing to see a free and democratic Zimbabwe. I
sympathize with you over the loss of your loved ones in these final
phases of the struggle. Victory is certain, it can only be delayed.

I thank you.

President Morgan Tsvangirai
Movement for Democratic Change Head Office
Harvest House
4 Nelson Mandela Avenue
Harare, Zimbabwe"