Monday, August 11, 2008

MDC Official Explains Difficulty for Tsvangirai in Talks

Chris McGreal, reporting for the Guardian, cites an MDC official who suggests the difficulties MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai faces in the talks with Robert Mugabe and South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki.

McGreal quotes an unidentified MDC official:

"A spokesman for the opposition said Tsvangirai came under pressure from South
Africa's president, Thabo Mbeki, who is acting as mediator, to allow Mugabe to keep some degree of real power. But the spokesman said the MDC leader argued that would be a betrayal of the voters.

"There is a lot of pressure on
Tsvangirai ... People in the party are telling him that he cannot agree to a deal that does not recognise the people's will and democracy. Mugabe ... should not be allowed to keep power just because he terrorised the population into voting for him.

"The pressure for us is coming from the people. They don't
want to see some kind of half-hearted change. If we were to do that we would lose credibility. If Morgan takes something cosmetic from Zanu-PF he will lose the support of the Zimbabwean people.""